Enterprise users may choose to run a self-hosted version of Basedash for privacy and security reasons. Here is the documentation on how to get set up for self-hosting.

GitHub repository

There is a GitHub repository that contains all of the setup code. This code will be copied into a server using a git clone command and then you will be able to run scripts that will help setup the server to run Basedash.

☁️ GitHub repository

Setup instructions

Currently, the only documented setup steps are for AWS EC2 instances. However, it should be possible to host Basedash on any well known hosting provider.


  1. Launch a new instance of EC2 in the AWS console

  2. Select an Ubuntu server

  3. Select a t3.medium or higher and click Next

  4. Select the VPC under Network that contains any database and/or APIs the Basedash server should be able to connect to and click Next

  5. Increase your storage size to 40 GB or higher and click Next

  6. Optionally add some Tags (e.g. app = basedash) and click Next. This makes it easier to find if you have a lot of instances.

  7. Set the network security groups for ports 8044322 and 5000, with sources set to Anywhere0.0.0.0/0 and ::/0), and click Review and Launch. We need to open ports 80 (http) and 443 (https) so you can connect to the server from a browser, as well as port 22 (ssh) so that you can ssh into the instance to configure it and run Basedash. By default on a vanilla EC2, Basedash will run on port 5000.


  8. On the Review Instance Launch screen, click Launch to start your instance.

  9. Create a new SSH key pair (or use an existing one), and download the it. This will be used to SSH into the EC2 instance.

  10. If you're connecting to internal databases, whitelist the VPS's IP address in your database.

  11. From your command line tool, SSH into your EC2 instance. You'll need to use the SSH .pem file you've downloaded. See screenshot for instructions.


    You might have a different mechanism for passing your SSH keys (e.g. a jump proxy) or you might re-use a key pair that you've already created for your VPC.